+ [MED]catchem - Report (Report Archived by Bez)
2016-05-30, 17:29
Post: #1
+ [MED]catchem - Report (Report Archived by Bez)
Your LFS username: razrulz1234
Their LFS username(s): iluvkisses Their in-game nickname(s):[MED]catchem Main reason(s): Speeding whilst on duty (not responding to a call), reversed back into AB (drove in the wrong direction) Replay and/or screenshot link: http://www.filedropper.com/medreport Replay timestamps: 48:15 - MED drifts due to high speeds and trying to turn. Carries on accelerating even after reaching 100mph. No strobe/siren on, so I guess they're not responding to a call. 48:50 - MED is still speeding whilst on duty. Hitting nearly 140mph (40mph over the speed limit on the AB) 53:50 - Drifts through the RB WHILST on duty. 56:20 - Speeds once again even though he/she is not responding to any call. 57:09 - Undertakes 2 cars/ Speeds up till 150mph/ Drifts due to not braking for the turn on AB. 58:21 - Speeds again even though he/she is not responding to any call. 59:58 - Drifts due to high speed on the turn, I start follow the MED. I can see that they are speeding, so I start speeding to try and catch them on my laser, but I didn't have enough time to do so. 1:01:48 - I ask the MED why they were speeding. Apparently they didn't realise they were speeding. 1:02:50 - I told the MED that they shouldn't be speeding, and the response was "i know i know". 1:03:19 - MED starts to reverse to go back on to the AB. Even though they could've carried on straight like I did. 1:04:20 - Told them they reversed onto the AB (going the wrong way when there was no need). And once again, he/she didn't realise they did that " omg . really?" Description of incident (inc date & time): Happened at about 17:30 The user constantly keeps on speeding whilst on duty, when not responding to any call. Nor do they even realise when I ask he/she that they were speeding or have broke any rule. I told the user to follow the rules or else they'll be reported: Quote:30/05/2016 17:40:55 : [GLOW]Razz[COP] : [MED]catchem - Next time I see you breaking rules whilst on duty This was their response: Quote:30/05/2016 17:41:06 : [MED]catchem : haha Due to the user not showing any guilt of what they had done, I'm reporting them. Hopefully some action is taken with this user. Thanks. Razz |
2016-06-01, 09:37
Post: #2
RE: [MED]catchem - Report
Hello Raz, and admins. Aa i said before to Raz. Im sorry for speeding.
I just didnt understand why i got fined for going 10 meters of reverse, (i checkd the map, that no1 coming on the road. Before the reverse. Raz fined me for wrong way. I just didnt get why do i fined for? Please check the replay. Thank you [MED]catchem. |
2016-06-03, 16:58
Post: #3
Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Bez.
This report is being looked into. Please be patient.
2016-06-03, 17:24
(This post was last modified: 2016-06-03 17:24 by Bez.)
Post: #4
RE: [MED]catchem - Report
Right let's start by listing a few MED rules off the bat:
11.1 Proper Behaviour Med/Res must drive with care and attention at all times. They are expected to behave in a professional manner. No donuts, burnouts, drifting, ramming, tailgating etc. 11.2 Road Laws They are strongly encouraged to follow road laws, however this will not be enforced as strictly as for cops. If they fail to, they can be chased and fined by cops. Repeated and/or excessive violations may be punished by admins. Catchem, you went way over the speed limit countless times and failed to behave in a professional manner by drifting and undertaking. Your MED licence will be removed for 30 days and you will have to retake the test afterwards. Action has been taken as described. Thank you for your report. It has now been moved to the archives. |
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