[TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
2018-09-30, 10:38
(This post was last modified: 2018-09-30 10:39 by Chuck.)
Post: #121
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.08 (beta)
-New: Implementing sound-maps to prevent sirens & cautions to display though undriveable areas / walls / buildings / hills etc. Notice: This updates contains major changes to the virtual sirens/cautions and how they're seen. Please read below: This is an experimental version and currently only loaded on Server Two, as I need some feedback first whether it needs further tweaking or not. The virtual signals (sirens/cautions etc) used to be based on the direct distance between sender and receiver, which often resulted in sirens being shown from adjacent roads, thus often unnecessary. On smaller tracks like Sydney, even annoying. The new system uses a map and calculates the distribution of siren or caution along that map. The sender's speed is also taken into account and will result in a extended range. Stationary cars will have a limited range. Here is an example of a moving siren on Blackwood, starting at the south-end of Highway 1, going north through Northpark and then through pits to the Industial Area. ![]() Please let us know what experience you had with this new system. Feel free to test. cheers |
2018-10-01, 11:53
(This post was last modified: 2018-10-01 11:57 by Chuck.)
Post: #122
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.09 (beta)
-New: Implementing ray-casting for sirens & cautions & tracker instead of a "flood-like" calculation. Much faster calculation and meter-accurate precision. -Chg: Ticket for "Slow speed on highway" renamed "Slow speed on Autobahn" Note: This is again an experimental version. This time loaded on server ONE. The new ray-casting technique looks like this: ![]() ![]() Moving animation: ![]() |
2018-10-15, 16:08
Post: #123
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.11
-Chg: Internal changes to the reporting system. Yellow cards now last by playing time, rather than the clock. |
2018-10-17, 17:41
(This post was last modified: 2018-10-17 19:04 by Chuck.)
Post: #124
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.12
-New: Main display now shows visual warnings if a chase (cop with siren) is closely behind or ahead. Please note: These displays represent an ongoing state. As long it's shown, you are TOO CLOSE. And too close means within 5 seconds. So it compensates for different speeds. If it shows "CHASE AHEAD", for instance, you have to slow down and increase the distance to the cars ahead until the sign is gone. ![]() |
2018-10-18, 17:07
Post: #125
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.13
-Chg: Changed !report form. Description is now mandatory, also clarified the notes. -Chg: Updated matrix display now showing a big "traffic info" board on main HUD. TC only atm. ![]() |
2018-10-28, 12:02
Post: #126
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.20
-Upg: Major overhaul of the money system. (see http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthre...?tid=30075) -Chg: Gameplay: Removed destruction fine for hitting "orange pole" -Fix: Home-Menu: Preferences: Number of pages calculated wrong Admin stuff: -Chg: Removed !revive (use TC World instead) |
2018-11-11, 09:03
Post: #127
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.21
-Chg: Internal workflow changes regarding "red cards" -Chg: Internal workflow changes ongoing bans -Chg: !unlock removed (use TC World instead) Version 4.22 -Chg: Getting spec'ed for wrong-way on track no longer resets trip. -Chg: Getting spec'ed for wrong-way in a safe-zone no longer resets trip. -Chg: Getting spec'ed for speeding in pit-lane no longer resets trip. -Cgh: Renting will automatically withdraw money from bank account to avoid running out of cash. -Chg: Cars: Removed initial 10% drop in value to simplify calculations & trades. -Chg: Cars: Service-interval has been removed. (in favour of later changes) -Upg: Lag detection: Reduced false positive detections when cars are stationary. -Upg: Internal: Major changes to handling of cars. Preparation for external purchases/sales. -Upg: Internal: Total restructure of property management. (e.g. garages/winches/radar-warner etc.) -Upg: Internal: Total rework of the confirmation dialogue. -Upg: Internal: Optimisations: Offloading recurring calls to background threads |
2018-11-13, 16:29
Post: #128
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.23
-Fix: Trip: Going from pit to spec could lose your trip. -Fix: Tow ramps: Changing an existing ramp could bring up "Too many ramps" when there was another tow having a ramp. |
2018-11-16, 15:41
Post: #129
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.24
-New: User reporting: Added option to exclude certain players from making reports (noreports) -Fix: Maintenance: Lag-level display overlapped TC banner |
2018-11-25, 09:13
Post: #130
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.25
-Fix: Cop-tracker: Tracker falsely used the heading instead of driving direction (Tracking cars which go backwards) -Upg: Internal: Adding & Removing objects is now done in proper bunches of 30 pieces every 0.5 sec. -Upg: Internal: Separating system-protection bans from punishment bans. -Upg: Internal: Implemented checks for ban evasions |
2018-11-25, 16:37
Post: #131
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.26
-Fix: Cop-tracker: Fixed a bug when being stationary, tracking moving traffic. -Fix: Tow ramp: Fixed an issue when changing an existing ramp. -Fix: Internal: Fixed bug with optimise command. |
2018-12-23, 15:36
(This post was last modified: 2018-12-23 15:39 by Chuck.)
Post: #132
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.30
-New: Upgrade cars system: see https://tc-g.uk/t=30382 -Fix: Car details: Removal of classified ad didn't work. -Rem: Removed command !buylocator. Use Home-Menu instead. -Rem: Removed command !buyradar. Use Home-Menu instead. -Rem: Removed command !buywinch. Use Home-Menu instead. -New: New option "autorent" to allow/disallow automatic renting of car. |
2018-12-25, 17:16
Post: #133
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.31
-Fix: Temp display: Colour & number could be out of sync by rounding errors -Upg: Preferences UI: Added arrow to active selection to reduce ambiguity. -New: New option: "autowithdrawal" to change the amount of money that is automatically withdrawn when you ran out of cash. -Chg: Removed !pricelist. Use GUI instead. -Upg: !respond now includes the name of the caller -New: New "evidence" system to allow some more fines in future -Cgh: Speedtraps are now automatic "!laser"-traps providing automatic evidence for other cops -Fix: Car temperature now visible for cops & robbers during chase -Upg: Little tweaks to the priority of cop's chase display while in chase -New: New "Wanted" display if there is evidence against you ![]() Admin stuff: -New: New "!list temp" to check temperatures Note: The new evidence & wanted system will ceratinly require some more fine-tuning, so feedback is appreciated. |
2018-12-26, 10:05
Post: #134
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.32
-Fix: "Busted timer" did not show up -Chg: "Wanted" display now shows 2 stars when fine >=200€ / 3 stars when >=400€ -Chg: Cop-ticket now showing "factual evidence" always at the bottom with the "star" symbol -Chg: Speedtraps now show a confirmation to the cop operating it when a speeder got detected |
2018-12-27, 12:36
Post: #135
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.33
-Fix: Speeding fine offense-text now in grey colour again. -Fix: !respond-text character-set issue -Upg: Winching requires some time now. Other tows can join in and help. !winch can be stopped by using command again or moving off. |
2018-12-31, 15:15
(This post was last modified: 2019-01-01 14:11 by BP.)
Post: #136
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.34
-Upg: Cars are now ordered by VIN to have at least any order in garage screen. -Upg: Car-upgrades: Cars do now have 3 general slots to mount any type of upgrade into. -Fix: Evidence-system: New evidence is no longer added if a suspect is already chased. e.g. speedtrap or !laser -Fix: Rented cars: Odometer did not count up. -Fix: Gumball: Insim falsely restored Gumball values -New: Introducing a new interaction-system to allow various interactions between players. (Currently used for winch/power/stealing) -New: Power transfer: Cars with batteries (TOW/COP/etc) can now exchange battery power via !power command. (see https://world.city-driving.co.uk/?page=manual&man=power) -New: New stealing system (!steal) (see https://world.city-driving.co.uk/?page=manual&man=theft for details) -Fix: Fix where a cop could lost contact right after initiating a chase. (Hopefully) -Chg: Using !ramp now requires 5% of power each time -New: New car-upgrade: ANPR-camera for cops -New: New car-upgrade: car-alarm Admin stuff: -Fix: "Red-cards" are no longer saved as "incomplete" Version 4.35 -Fix: Stealing system: Cops could get robbed -Fix: Money wasn't paid out when initial result was successful -Upg: Extended stealing logging |
2019-04-13, 14:30
(This post was last modified: 2019-04-13 14:34 by Chuck.)
Post: #137
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.37
-Fix: Ban calculation: Insim falsely re-banned for expired bans if the player connected too early after the ban ended (<5 mins). -Fix: Cars: Temperature now goes down when car is stationary (was already fixed in an earlier release) -Fix: Stealing: Cops could be stolen from under certain circumstances. -Chg: Stealing: Car-alarms do not totally interrupt a stealing attempt anymore. The process will slow down and the police will be automatically called instead. -New: Stealing: Fighting off a thief will automatically call the police. -New: Stealing: Being spotted will automatically call the police. -New: Stealing: Police calls and responses are no longer shown publicly. -New: ANPR-Camera: New continuous operating mode works independently from the tracker and also scans oncoming cars. -New: New option: ANPR-Mode. Accessible via preferences menu or command: !setopt anpr_mode <tracker|continuous> -Fix: Chase system: Rare bug with a wrong display when joining a chase -Chg: Minor UI changes -Upg: Internal restructuring of the SOS call system Admin stuff: -New: Recruits and L4 admins can use !stream function |
2019-04-14, 11:06
Post: #138
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.38
-Fix: Main HUD: Corrected alignment of the "sorry"-bar Admin stuff: -New: HwA command !dropf to drop items in-front -New: HwA commands !movex+/- & !movey+/- to move last item by 25cm. (along original grid axes!) -New: HwA new items: speedhump6,speedhump10, ahead,ahead2, left,left2,left3, right,right2,right3 -New: HwA colour support ([white|red|blue|yellow], default=white) for these items: long_line, short_line ahead,ahead2, left,left2,left3, right,right2,right3 -New: HwA flexible layout-feature loading system (beta): -New: HwA command: !layoutload <name> Add objects to the user's list of objects -New: HwA command: !layoutsave <name> Saves all of the user's current objects to the database -New: HwA command: !layoutclear Removes all user-placed objects.(Same as logging off) |
2019-04-18, 14:26
Post: #139
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.39
-Fix: Main HUD: Corrected corrupted text for SOS calls -Fix: Stealing: The robber could cancel calls against him -New: SOS-Calls: Emergency responders may request "Traffic management" if they need police units on scene. -Chg: SOS-Calls: Simple tow requests are no longer shown to police. Dialog updated accordingly. Admin stuff: -Fix: Updated !list command after SOS call changes -Fix: Further upgrades to the HwA object system to avoid orphaned objects. -Chg: !clear & !layoutclear will also try to remove orphaned objects. Remarks on the stealing/police calls mechanism: For realism reasons, the offenders' names will be shown to the police if they were either seen by virtual witnesses or the victim detected them. Their names will not be shown if only a car-alarm detected them. Either way, the cops will only know the original location of the crime. |
2019-05-04, 09:21
(This post was last modified: 2019-05-04 09:22 by Chuck.)
Post: #140
RE: [TC] CityDriving InSim - Changelog
Version 4.40
-Fix: !xlocation showed "COP" as message-prefix instead of "X" -Fix: Tow call typo Admin stuff: -Chg: Renamed HwA-layout-commands to !hwaload, !hwasave, !hwaclear (L1 admin only) -New: New general layout management system to allow quickly and discreetly adding and removing of map features without clearing the entire layout -New: New command: !axadd <name> - Adds objects -New: New command: !axclear - Clear all objects (with confirmation) -New: New command: !axinfo - Shows object counters -New: New command: !axlist - Show recently used layouts -New: New command: !axload <name> - Load layout (remove anything else) -New: New command: !axremove <name> - Remove certain objects -New: New command: !axsave <name> - Save current layout (All admins) -New: New command: !axdefault - Loads the default layout for current track |
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